Welcome, Education, Mission !


The charisma of the Congregation, following Ignatian spirituality, is to : 



"Praise Mary's faithfulness

to God

and mankind 


and to bear witness to the fidelity,


especially towards young people deprived of affection


by the work of education

confided to the Congregation

by the Church".



These lines are like the stamp planted by the Church in the doorstep of the book of Constitutions.


" The Congregation after growing and spreading in Europe and Africa, where drought has, hit here or there, but the sap still vigorous now sends out fresh shoots towards India, Korea and Spain. The recruits from these countries inked to the first sisters will continue the mission of education, welcome.


Openess to beauty : God is beautiful and good ”.


This is the message proposed to you today and tomorrow."




Until 1969 the Congregation was legally called “ Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Orphans of Mary of La Délivrande called the Faithful Virgin”







Updated on 2016.

Foyer d'étudiantes

La Maison à Paris. Inscriptions 2025

Cliquez ici.

Audioguide de la Chapelle aux verrières Lalique et laques d'Alix Aymé

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  La Congrégation Notre-Dame de Fidélité s'appuie sur la Fondation des Monastères pour recevoir des dons. Connectez-vous à la Fondation des Monastères

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La Fondation des Monastères et les Soeurs de Notre-Dame de Fidélité vous remercient et vous assurent de leur priante gratitude.

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